Triple Moon Pentacle Hanging Bells
Triple Moon Pentacle Hanging Bells 9"
A polished triple moon and pentacle hang from a chain adorned with colorful beads. From the triple moon hang three polished brass bells whose chains have also has colored glass beads. This magical piece will add color and movement to any altar or space. Representing the Maiden, Mother and Crone, or the three aspects of the goddess, this brass wind chime displays the Triple Moon and a pentacle and rings musically with three small brass bells. Bead color will very.
A polished triple moon and pentacle hang from a chain adorned with colorful beads. From the triple moon hang three polished brass bells whose chains have also has colored glass beads. This magical piece will add color and movement to any altar or space. Representing the Maiden, Mother and Crone, or the three aspects of the goddess, this brass wind chime displays the Triple Moon and a pentacle and rings musically with three small brass bells. Bead color will very.