7 Day Orisha-Ogun Candle
7 Day Orisha-Ogun Candle - Green/Black
OGUN (Ogoun) is the chief of the warriors, the God of War, blood, and iron. He is the guardian of the forge, and the patron of civilization and technology. Not just a martial deity, Ogun is the archetypal force that drives technology. He is responsible for tools of progress like farming implements and surgeon's knives.
He is movement, impetus, force. Because of this, Ogun is associated with locomotives, and offerings are often made to him at railroad tracks. In Candomble, he is associated with St. George, the dragon slayer; in Lukumi, he is syncretized with St. peter. In Roman mythology, Mars.
Because of his association with blood, Ogun is often petitioned for aid with blood diseases. However, because Ogun enjoys blood offerings, it is considered inadvisable to petition Ogun while menstruating or with a bleeding wound.
His numbers are 3 and 4.
Brings change, employment, offers protection.
8.125" 2.5"
*Pigmentation/coloring may vary slightly from candle to candle. Some wicks may have wax on them, this is normal in the manufacturing process.
Do not leave candles and/or charcoal disks burning unattended. Always keep candles in a safe place away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Use a fire safe dish or plate to set candles on.