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Mystic Spirits Aromas Handcrafted Smudge Incense Sticks - Amazonian Palo Santo

Mystic Spirits Aromas Handcrafted Smudge Incense Sticks - Amazonian Palo Santo

Regular price $1.80
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Mystic Spirits Aromas Handcrafted Smudge Incense Sticks - Amazonian Palo Santo

Mystic Spirits Aromas incense is made with a combination of fragrant gums, resins, wood powders, herbs, and spices.

  • Palo Santo belongs to the woody fragrance family, and it's smell is described as a subtle, sweet, and woody scent with hints of mint, citrus. Some say Palo Santo smells slightly like licorice, evoking a deep sense of nostalgia when inhaling its delicate scent. 
  • Aromatherapy: The fragrant smoke products by burning Palo Santo incense sticks can help to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood.
  • Air purification: The smoke of Palo Santo is believed to have antimicrobial properties and can help to purify the air by removing unpleasant odors and negative energy.
  • Spiritual and ceramonial use: Palo Santo incense sticks are often used in spiritual and ceremonial practices to create a peaceful and serene environment.
  • Aesthetics: Incense sticks can add to ambiance and aesthetics of a room, and make for a more inviting and pleasant environment.

Do not leave candles, charcoal disks or incense burning unattended. Always keep in a safe place away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Use a fire safe dish or plate to set candles and burners on.

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