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Hem Rosemary Incense Sticks

Hem Rosemary Incense Sticks

Regular price $1.10
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Hem Rosemary Incense Sticks. Each pack weighs approximately 20 grams - pack of 20.

Rosemary was considered sacred by the Greeks and Romans its soft sweet scent was burned for protection against disease and it symbolises love and death. Rosemary Incense is excellent for stimulating the mental facilities. Rosemary is also used for depression, memory, concentration, mental fatigue, blood flow and the heart muscle.

Do not leave incense, candles and/or charcoal disks burning unattended.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Connie Muldrow

This scent clears out bad smells and is good for the kitchen and bathroom.

Connie Muldrow

Absolutely amazing! Clean, fresh, and clear out all the bad smells, too. I am in love with this one!

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