7 Day John The Conqueror
7 Day John The Conqueror
John the Conqueror, also known as High John de Conqueror, is a folk deity and trickster figure in African American culture and the Hoodoo spiritual system. Known as a warrior martyr, intermediary between man and God, and soul saver.
John the Conqueror is associated with success, happiness, and improving one's fortune. According to lore, John the Conqueror was an African prince sold into slavery in America. He was popular in slave culture for outmaneuvering his owners.
John the Conqueror is also associated with the Ipomoea purga plant, also known as the John the Conqueror root or John the Conqueroo. The root is believed to have magical powers and is used in Hoodoo work. It can be used in a variety of forms, including non-processed, diced, liquid, or powder.
Size: 8.125" x 2.5"
*Pigmentation/coloring may vary slightly from candle to candle. Some wicks may have wax on them, this is normal in the manufacturing process.
Do not leave candles, oil burners, charcoal disks or incense burning unattended. Always keep in a safe place away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Use a fire safe dish or plate to set candles and burners on.