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Links we think are pretty cool!

Sometimes we come across a page or product that we think is either educational, inspirational, or just pretty cool! All of these will link to their respective sites so you can check out what they're about.


ThoughtCo - The Witches Sage


From this site we feel you can find a lot of information concerning Paganism, Holistic Healing, Astrology, and so much more!



Another site somewhat like ThoughtCo, yet we believe not as informative. But still a good site to study on certain subjects. They do have a link to Paganism.


The hooded blanket concept with themed designs we felt was pretty cool!




Here you can find posts pertaining to our archaeological history.

Ancient Origins


 Whisperingworlds.com A Magical Place

During my online travels, I was fortunate enough to come across this wonderful site. Once you're within the site, it's almost like walking into your own home, very welcoming, it gives you a sense of belonging. I must admit that I fell in love with the image of the Maiden, Mother and Crone (which is below) The site owner has put together some very good and useful information. Blessings...