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Books for Pagan Kids, and their parents!

We originally posted a blog on "Books for Pagan & Wiccan Kids" some time ago, and the response was overwhelming. We asked for, and received suggestions on adding additional books to the list. So, if you feel we're missing any books, please send us a message with the title of the book.

This is a list of over 50 books that I feel may be of help. Granted, not all books are for everyone, and I feel ultimately, you as a parent need to make the final decision as to whether any book is appropriate for your child. If you see a book that appeals to you, read other parents reviews, do a little research

This list includes books that are not specifically Pagan, but that are certainly Pagan-friendly.


Rupert's Tales by Kyrja Withers & Tonia Bennington Osborn

Rupert the Rabbit has all kinds of adventures! He explores the forest and learns about the Wheel of the Year, helps out with earth-friendly projects, and even has a book of bedtime rhymes. With Kyra's fun rhyming verse, and Tonia's lovely and gentle illustrations, the Rupert series is a perfect addition to any Pagan kid's library.

The Peace Book by Todd Parr

Todd Parr's books are full of bright colors in the artwork. The lines are simply drawn, but the images are fun to look at for kids of any age. In this book, Parr teaches without preaching, passing along the message that if we could all just get along, the world might be a nicer place to live.

Walking the World In Wonder by Ellen Evert Hopman

Although it's geared towards kids who can read on their own, this book on herbalism is one that parents can use with their younger children as educational fun. Pictures and easy to follow descriptions convey what herbs are available at different times of the year, and what their purposes are. The sections are divided among the eight Sabbats, as well, so a child can learn what sorts of herbs might be picked at Beltane as opposed to later on when Mabon rolls around. Very cute book, easy to use.

Lady of Ten Thousand Names - Goddess Stories from Many Cultures by Burleigh Muten

Aimed at slightly older readers, but good for parents to read to their younger children as well. Muten shares stories about different goddesses from around the world in traditional folklore tales. The illustrations are lavish and beautiful. Especially good if you have young daughters.

The Next Place by Warren Hanson

This is actually a book about death, but it's written in a way that makes the idea of crossing over far less frightening for small children. Aimed at someone who may have lost–or be about to lose a loved one–this book talks about the next place that we go after we leave this world. It's not religious, but it is definitely inspiring and moving. And if you look really closely at the illustrations, you'll spot the pentacles.

The Witch Next Door by Norman Bridwell

From the guy who brought us Clifford, The Big Red Dog, this book is aimed at younger readers, and is a story about the fun that happens when a nice witch moves in next door. Despite a couple of odd things, like the fact that the witch sleeps upside down, bat-like, it's a cute story and encourages tolerance, as well as portraying the witch in a positive way.

Strega Nona series by Tomie dePaola

The Strega Nona books are filled with legends and lore from dePaola's native Italy, and in each book Strega Nona ends up gently teaching people with her magic and wisdom–usually after they've gone and gotten into a heap of trouble. Cute and silly illustrations, and lots of fun supporting characters like Big Anthony and Bambolona.

Tales from Old Ireland was written by Malachy Doyle, illustrated Niamh Sharkey and comes with a CD with narration by Maura O'Connell.

I love the illustrations in this book. And I love that a book that I can hold and read full of the stories I already love to tell my children by the campfire. Storytelling is awesome, but reading books together is also awesome.

ABC Book of Shadows by Katie Lydon Olivares

Works is another book geared toward Wiccan kids specifically. It introduces the usual Wiccan ritual tools and even the elements in a fun, rhythmic, alphabet poem. The art is also quite beautiful. (Alas. It is out of print, and it would seem, a collector's item.)

I Took the Moon for a Walk

Is a sweet tale for the younger set. The text is simple for babies or early readers and the illustrations are lovely and it teaches a bit about the moon and nocturnal animals.

Aidan's First Full Moon Circle by W Lyon Martin

Is yet another fabulously illustrated book for Pagan Children about a boy going to his first public ritual. It's a nice, simple story for very young children. The ritual described is a Wiccan one, but since most public rituals tend to be, it's still a good choice for other Pagan children.

Aidan and his parents have been solitary witches for as long as he can remember. At the rising of the Harvest Moon, his family is invited to a local coven's Full Moon Esbat celebration. Aidan is jittery about joining a Circle full of strangers. While he is enjoying himself around the bonfire, the High Priestess and his mother cook up a plan to get him involved in the Harvest Moon ritual. Aidan learns he is an important member of the Pagan community.

While reading the story, children can help Seamus the squirrel gather enough acorns for the coming winter by finding where they are hidden within the captivating illustrations.

An enchanting, fictional tale of a Wiccan nighttime gathering, Aidan's First Full Moon Circle will engage young readers with magical images while introducing some coven ritual basics.

Ordinary Girl, a Magical Child by W Lyon Martin

Is, again illustrated beautifully, and again, best suited to Wiccan children, but not entirely useless for other Pagan children. It presents several magical concepts, including simple banishing, but it really focuses much more on the religious aspect and that is very duotheistic path-specific. It's not a bad book, for what it is (in fact, it's fantastic for what it is), but you'll want to review it before you turn it over to your kids.

Wild Child by Lynn Plourde and beautifully illustrated by Greg Couch

A delightful bedtime story for any Pagan child. Imagine Mother Earth tucking Autumn into bed and all the little gifts She would give her little one in preparation for her long rest. This book is lyrical and artistic and a little weird.

All I See is Part of Me by Chara M. Curtis, illustrated by Cynthia Aldrich

A delightfully artistic and lyrical meditation on the interconnectedness of all things, and most importantly, your child's interconnectedness with all things.

Seven Spirals; a Chakra Sutra for Kids by Deena Haiber and Aimee MacDonald

An interesting look at the Chakras through the story of the adventures of seven children. It is beautifully illustrated.

Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions by Anne Hill

In our rushed, stressed society, it's sometimes difficult to spend meaningful time as a family. Now Starhawk, Diane Baker, and Anne Hill offer new ways to foster a sense of togetherness through celebrations that honor the sacredness of life and our Mother Earth.

Goddess tradition embraces the wheel of life, the never-ending cycle of birth, growth, love, fulfillment, and death. Each turn of the wheel is presented here, in eight holidays spanning the changing seasons, in rites of passage for life transitions, and in the elements of fire, air, water, earth, and spirit. Circle Round is rich with songs, rituals, craft and cooking projects, and read-aloud stories, as well as suggestions for how you can create your own unique family traditions. Here are just some of the ways to make each event in the cycle of life more special:

Mark Summer Solstice by making sweet-smelling herb pillows for good dreams

Send a teenager off to college with the Leaving Behind and Carrying With rituals

Comfort an injured child with the Tree of Life meditation

Commemorate a loved one by planting or donating a tree

As a one-of-a-kind resource for people of many faiths and beliefs, Circle Round will be a beloved companion in your home for years to come.

The Longest Day: Celebrating the Summer Solstice (Seasons) by Wendy Pfeffer, Linda Bleck Illustrator)

In this fourth and final book in the series about seasons, Wendy Pfeffer turns her attention to summer, when butterflies emerge from silky cocoons and daylight hours stretch longer and longer. With lyrical prose and vibrant illustrations, The Longest Day takes us on a journey through the history and science behind the summer solstice, with a focus on summer celebrations from various cultures around the world. Teachers and students alike will treasure the varied and accessible knowledge, and activities in the back let everyone in on the festivities.

Pagan Degrees For Children by Shanddaramon

This book provides a system of learning Pagan and good living concepts just for children and young adults through three main degrees. Children from the ages of 5 – 18 can work on obtaining the Neophyte, Apprentice, and Mage Degrees by meeting specific goals designed for children and by completing the requirements for earning Achievement Awards.

Growing Up Pagan: A Workbook for Wiccan Families by Raine Hill

Finally, a children's workbook designed for Pagan families! Rich, exciting stories to read together and discuss, as well as activities to reinforce lessons in a fun way. Chock-full of puzzles, games, mythology, beautiful illustrations, and Pagan symbols, this workbook teaches the basic Wiccan belief system. Let this be a family affair, with parents, older siblings, and young children taking part in a "something-for-everyone" Pagan experience. A teaching tool for Pagan families, or others wanting to teach their children diversity.

Elsie and Pooka Stories of the Sabbats and Seasons by Lora Craig-Gaddis

In this collection of short stories, children learn about the pagan holidays along with the little witch, Elsie, and her cat, Pooka. The author's humorous and whimsical approach and lavish color illustrations keep children entertained as they follow the adventures of Pooka through the Wheel of the Year.

The Last Wild Witch by Starhawk

The first children's book by visionary author and Earth activist Starhawk, 'The Last Wild Witch' is a tale of how the children of the perfect town save the last magic forest from disappearing.

An Ordinary Girl - A Magical Child by W. Lyon Martin

Chosen as a finalist for the 2009 COVR Visionary Awards.

Take a joyful romp with Rabbit around the Wheel of the Year as she learns about herself and her Pagan Ways in the first fully illustrated Pagan children's book to explore Wiccan magic, customs and holidays through a child's point of view.

An Ordinary Girl, A Magical Child is lavishly illustrated with original watercolor paintings. Written for school-aged children, whether they are being raised Pagan or just are curious about a Wiccan friend or relative's spiritual Path, this book explains in a clear and gentle voice just what a Pagan is, what a Wiccan believes and how one Pagan family celebrates throughout the year.

You will learn about:

- the 8 Sabbat celebrations

- a full moon celebration

- a home blessing ritual

- a spell to banish bad dreams

- and more…

Walking the World in Wonder: A Children's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman

Introduce children to the magic of using herbs for healing, cooking, and nature crafts and inspire a lifelong interest in the natural world.

Designed especially for children ages five to ten. A hands-on book for children, filled with fun, easy-to-follow activities. Covers the medicinal and magical uses of sixty-seven common herbs. Each herb playfully introduces itself and talks about its habitat and many uses. With fun, easy-to-follow activities, herbalist Ellen Evert Hopman teaches children basic herbal skills and invites them to make a sunflower seed mosaic, sew a catnip-filled mouse, and dig for Jerusalem artichoke roots. The book also includes simple recipes that children can use, with adult supervision, to treat minor ailments--peppermint tea to soothe a troubled tummy or horse chestnut salve to heal a scraped knee. Children gain a sense of self-sufficiency and awe for the earth's treasures by eating wild nettle greens, sprinkling a sandwich with nasturtium flowers, making strawberry honey, and learning to season food with dill they've gathered themselves. Parents and teachers will appreciate how these earth-centered activities are placed within a broader social and environmental context. Sixty-seven full-color photographs enable children, parents, and teachers to identify these herbs during walks and field trips. Walking the World in Wonder gives children a direct and joyous experience of their connection to the natural world and inspires a lifelong interest in their own health and that of the planet.

Aisha's Moonlit Walk: Stories and Celebrations for the Pagan Year by Anika Stafford

These engaging children's stories chronicle a modern-day family as they celebrate the eight pagan holidays over the course of a year. Readers of all ages will delight in following the fictional Aisha and her family and friends. Told in Aisha's own words, these charming stories bring to life the tradition, beliefs, and values of the pagan faith as it is celebrated today.

The book includes a brief introduction to each holiday and an outline of the key pagan concepts and lessons for each story. Readers will follow Aisha to winter solstice, the longest night of the year, when she learns to appreciate the importance of family and figures out how to end a fight with her best friend Heather. During the fall equinox, readers will rejoice with Aisha as she celebrates her many accomplishments over the past year.

Each story includes a brief introduction to the holiday and an outline of the key pagan concepts and lessons that are fleshed out in the story. The tales are followed by earth-honoring activities suitable for adults and children alike.

This refreshing, family-oriented approach to the pagan calendar is ideal for children, parents, teachers, and anyone who seeks greater insight into the spiritual significance of the pagan tradition.

The Winter Solstice by Ellen Jackson

This book presents some of the beliefs associated with the shortest day of the year, explains the scientific basis of the solstice, and shows how ancient customs have influenced the way we celebrate holidays.

Celebrating the Great Mother: A Handbook of Earth-Honoring Activities for Parents and Children by Cait Johnson, Maura D. Shaw

Adults have a wide array of books to help explore earth-based spirituality. But what if they want to include their children? Here is a handbook to help parents, caregivers, teachers, and counselors create meaningful spiritual experiences that will inspire children of all ages. The ideas, suggestions, and activities collected here show how to bring children into rituals that celebrate seasonal cycles and help reclaim the spiritual roots of today's modern holidays. With surprisingly little effort, earth-centered activities and rituals can be incorporated into simple daily routines.

Part 1, “Handbook for Earth-Connected Parenting,” gives techniques for developing a child's inner wisdom and sense of the sacred: dream journals, visualization, Tarot play, talismans, and interactions with the natural world

Part 2 is a guide to the specific seasonal festivals, and offers a comprehensive collection of practical and enjoyable ways to celebrate the sacred days of our ancestors. Make a bean rune divination system, gather smudge sticks, grow grass pots, assemble a “dream pillow,” create altars the authors offer easy-to-follow suggestions.

Includes suggested reading and resource sections for locating additional information and materials for creative projects.

Pagan Parenting: Spiritual, Magical & Emotional Development of the Child by Kristin Madden

"Pagan Parenting" by Kristin Madden is the first book to honestly and boldly approach all of the problems a Pagan might face while trying to raise a child. This is an excellent book to have, whether you have a child now, or are planning on having one soon.

One of the problems faced by all parents is what to say when you get those "tough" questions from youngsters. You have to be honest, but at the same time it is important to speak to them at their level so they are sure to understand. How do you answer when a child asks, "Will you die? What happens when you die? Do animals have spirits?" With older children the questions can become even more difficult. "My boyfriend/girlfriend wants me to have sex. What should I do?" The answers suggested in this book are not of the this-is-what-you-must-say type, but rather are open-ended. Madden points out possible responses and problems with the answers you may consider giving. In this way your responses can be totally your own.

Another important aspect of raising a Pagan child is being able to help that child develop her or his psychic and magical abilities. Young children may not have the ability to concentrate for long periods of time, and quick-witted older children may become bored. The author suggests many fun activities which turn psychic, magical, and spiritual development into games. This will allow your child to develop and keep those abilities without becoming bored or disinterested.

What should you do if your child decides to look at another religion or become a member of another religion? This has never been dealt with in a book for Pagan parents. Until now. Until here. Until "Pagan Parenting.

"In some ways it is impossible to fully describe this book. It covers so many things about raising Pagan children that to focus on one leaves out the others. To find out how important this book is, you just have to read it.

Family Wicca Book: The Craft for Parents & Children (Llewellyn's Modern Witchcraft Series) by Ashleen O'Gaea

At last, Wiccan families can take heart Here is the first book written specifically for pagan parents who want to introduce their children to the principles of Witchcraft. Wiccan activist and mother Ashleen O'Gaea offers encouragement, shares her own family's experiences, discusses real-life challenges and how to deal with them, and provides a wealth of simple rituals and inexpensive projects that will enhance your family's life.

Pagan Homeschooling by Kristin Madden

Why are so many families educating their children at home?

Is this path right for you and your family? How do you get started? How can you better teach your children about your spirituality? Can spirituality and academics ever meet?

The answers to these questions and many more can be found in the pages of this groundbreaking book. The home education movement is growing at an astounding pace. Pagans and other metaphysical parents are enthusiastically exploring this option to typical compulsory school education.

Pagan Homeschooling is the first book to address the needs of these families, and this hands-on manual is packed with resources, checklists, questionnaires, exercises, arts and crafts, experiments, spells, rituals, and more.

A Witch's Primer by Lorin Manderly

Finally Here is a children's textbook for kids being raised as Witches and Pagans. Each chapter teaches the Wiccan basics for each subject and ends with a summary and a list of questions for children to test their knowledge on the material learned. .This is the first in a series of textbooks that will get progressively more advanced for each grade. The intent is to help students begin their Wiccan education and prepare them for seeking out further knowledge on the topics that interest them the most.

The Ancient Celtic Festivals: and How We Celebrate Them Today by Clare Walker Leslie, Frank E. Gerace

Travel 2,500 years back in time to find out where many of our modern holiday traditions originated.

Charming full-color ink and watercolor illustrations throughout.

This valuable resource for teachers and parents uses hands-on activities, natural science facts, and observations to explore the concepts of measuring time, making calendars, and marking seasonal celebrations.

Shows how our popular holiday traditions are rooted in nature, beginning as the seasonal festivals of an ancient society.

Children love holiday celebrations but most don't know why they wear masks on Halloween or watch for the groundhog on February 2. Now they can discover that many of our modern traditions started with the festivals of the ancient Celts. The Celts were farming people, so their festivals marked the important events of the agricultural year. Imbolc, in very early spring, celebrated the birth of new lambs, while Samhain, in late fall, celebrated the end of the growing season and the beginning of winter. If we look at our modern calendar, we'll find Groundhog Day falling where Imbolc did, Halloween where the Celts celebrated Samhain, and a host of other holiday correspondences. That's because descendants of the Celts were among the first Europeans to settle in the New World, bringing their holiday traditions with them.

In a world of electric lights and store-bought foods, The Ancient Celtic Festivals can help children make the connections to nature that their ancestors did. Whimsically illustrated activity pages invite them to bake a harvest corn bread, stage a spring festival, or warm up the cold depths of winter with hot spiced cider. Teachers, librarians, parents, and children alike will welcome this book as a fun-filled resource.

The Witch With The Glitch by Adam Maxwell

Nina, Ivy and Oswald know a huge secret. There is a hidden room in the Lost Bookshop and the books inside are magic, transporting the children to untold adventure.

When they find themselves zapped by the wand of a witch with a glitch they begin a race against time to reverse the spell. They must find the mysterious Izzy before the clock strikes midnight on Halloween or risk being stuck in the fairytale land forever.

The Witch with the Glitch is an exciting, funny and thrilling chapter book for middle grade readers that’s sure to have you desperate for just one more page.

I Want to Be a Witch by Ian Cunliffe

When I grow up, I want to be a witch, says a little girl. She would have a sparkly hat, a crystal ball, a wand to do spells, and of course, a broomstick. She definitely wouldn't cook up any smelly potions-and she probably wouldn't turn her brother into a frog. And spiders and bats? No way! Her companion would be her cat!

Halloween by Julie Murray

An introduction to the history and celebration customs of Halloween.

We Gather Together: Celebrating the Harvest Season by Wendy Pfeffer, Linda Bleck (Illustrator)

The fall equinox signals the time of year when we gather our harvests and give thanks for their bounty. With accessible, lyrical prose and vibrant illustrations, this nonfiction picture book explains the science behind autumn and the social history of harvest-time celebrations. We Gather Together presents a remarkable range of cultural traditions throughout the ages and the world, many of which have influenced our contemporary Thanksgiving holiday. Simple science activities, ideas for celebrating in school and at home, and a further reading list are included in the back of the book.

A Field Guide to Fairies: Explore the Secret World of the Fairy Realm by S. Marriott

Boys and girls will be spellbound as they explore the origins and the legends of fairies in this spectacularly beautiful volume. Lavish illustrations show the fairies of meadows and fields, of lakes and rivers, and of air and wind. Here too are magical depictions of tree fairies, house fairies, ocean and sea fairies, all of them shown in their traditional, richly illustrated environments. An enchanting picture book, A Field Guide to Fairies presents a series of beautiful full-color spreads, each bewitching illustration captioned with a description of its fairy's origins in legendry and its relationship to nature. Among these hauntingly beautiful color depictions of fairies are three impressive double-page pop-up scenes. The book's heavy board front cover is die-cut to reveal the enchanting fairy illustration that adorns the title page.

Who is a Witch? By Rowan Moss

Who is a Witch (Series Book #1) is a companion-reader book for children and parents, exploring the basics - what makes a witch special and who a witch might be in a child's life. Whimsical illustrations and purposefully upbeat and simple language will delight the eye and open communication. Each book in the Pagan Children Learning Series is a beginner's introduction that allows room for discussion of your family's own beliefs in every lesson!

What is Magic? By Rowan Moss

What is Magic (Series Book #2) is a companion-reader book for children and parents, exploring the basics - the nature of magic and what it can do! Whimsical illustrations and purposefully upbeat and simple language will delight the eye and open communication. Each book in the Pagan Children Learning Series is a beginner's introduction that allows room for discussion of your family's own beliefs in every lesson!

What are the Elements? By Rowan Moss

What are the Elements (Series Book #3) is a companion-Reader book for children and parents, exploring the basics - the Elements and their properties. Whimsical illustrations and purposefully upbeat and simple language will delight the eye and open communication. Each book in the Pagan Children Learning Series is a beginner's introduction that allows room for discussion of your family's own beliefs in every lesson!

The Moon by Robert Louis Stevenson, Tracey Campbell Pearson

So begins Robert Louis Stevenson's famous poem The Moon. Now Tracey Campbell Pearson takes readers on an illustrative late-night adventure set to this text in which we follow not only the moon as it shines on the creatures of the night, but also a father and his young son out on a late-night romp through quiet streets and fields, in a boat around a moonlit bay, and home again to sleep in their cozy house.

Detailed, luminous watercolor-and-ink paintings capture the magic of nighttime, and its many nocturnal creatures, as well as the special love between a father and son.

The Spring Equinox: The Greening of the Earth by Ellen Jackson, Jan Davey Ellis

Describes some of the ways in which people have celebrated the coming of spring, including the Mayas, the ancient Romans, and the Cree, as well as such holidays as Passover, No Ruz, Holi, and Easter, and suggest related activities.

The Pagan Family the Pagan Family: Handing the Old Ways Down by Ceisiwr Serith

A welcome guide in the homes of the growing numbers of Pagan parents. Pagans who wish to celebrate their religion as a family will find a wealth of tips and ideas for activities that teach children about Paganism -- as well as ritual guidelines for birthdays, seasonal celebrations, coming of age, weddings, divorce, death and births. Maintain your children's interest in Paganism with rituals that speak to them.

Children of the Green: Raising Our Kids in Pagan Traditions by Hannah E. Johnston

Children of the Green is an in-depth consideration of child raising from within pagan spirituality. Written by a long-time pagan witch, educator and parent, it considers the deeper questions of raising children within pagan spirituality, and the building of community for pagan families. Taking a unique approach, Children of the Green focuses not solely on sharing the festivals and celebratory cycles of paganism, but also discusses the moral, ethical and practical issues of raising kids as pagans; from working with schools, handling family changes and crises, child development from a pagan perspective and facing the challenges of a changing world.

Paganism For Kiddos: A Kids and Parents' Guide to Pagan and Wiccan Practice by Jessica M. Hauptmann

What is it about Nature that pulls us deep into the mysteries of her forests, waterfalls, and sacred lands? Why are the Sun and Moon a main focus in Nature-based religion? This delightful introduction to Paganism and earth-centered practice is the perfect start for those who wish to learn about the ways of our ancestors. Written for children, the simple language throughout each page makes this book suitable for all ages and is a stepping stone for further detailed reading in dark green religions and The Craft. Kids will love to read this little book, just right for their little hands, and will deepen their understanding of their parents' Pagan path. Parents will strengthen the bond with their children as they teach them the many ways to connect with Nature and Spirit.

Pagan Nursery Rhymes for Kids by Lisa Emerson, Lindsay Davis (Illustrator)

A collection of 20 earth-centered nursery rhymes and poems for young children to adore.

Pagan Kids' Activity Book by Amber K

Pagan Kids’ is more than a coloring book. It’s a unique collection of games, keep-sakes, gifts and activities that has something for kids of all ages.

Pagan Kids’ is a great teaching tool offering a variety of activities that are easily adapted for family fun or solitary enjoyment. Brilliantly, the entire book is narrated by two children, Liam and Lesley, who add a personal touch that ensures your children feel they are part of a bigger Pagan family.

Amber K has captured the importance of each holiday in games that even Mom and Dad may want to try. A simple answer key is available just in case you need to check. The basics of Pagan life are covered including a list of gods and goddesses, the Wiccan Rede and a special new alphabet (rune code) for your kids to learn. For the younger child, it will simply be the most beautifully illustrated coloring book in their collection.

Kindred Spirits: Sacred Earth Wisdom by Jesse Wolf Hardin

Kindred Spirits is the haunting cry of a wild-voiced wilderness seer and the ecstatic song of an Earth lover, a person intoxicated with the beauty and diversity of life. Wolf Hardin has provided a most eloquent and passionate contribution. The high-spirited and soulful voices of the animals, and of the Earth herself speak and sing through him, reminding us of our ancient heritage of sacred wildness.

Magickal Crafts by Kristin Madden

Magickal Crafts is about creating joy in your life by opening it to divine inspiration. Filled with beautiful, magickal crafts and delicious recipes, this is a book for everyone, from experienced craftspeople to those that are all thumbs.

Rupert's Tales: The Wheel of the Year - Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara by Kyrja

Come along with Rupert the rabbit as he again travels through the Wheel of the Year. In this second book of adventures, he learns about tolerance, respect, and acceptance, and discovers how people celebrate seasonal holidays in the forest where he lives. The tales (one for each season – Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara) set the stage for our furry friend to understand the importance of the seasons and that remembering love and laughter is always wise. He learns about decorations, songs, symbols, and how important the sun and its warmth really are. Join Rupert as he meets a new fairy friend and lots of girls and boys. Find out how someone very special steals Rupert's heart! Perfect for teaching sacred Pagan practices and beliefs to young children being raised within varied traditions. Rupert's Tales are stories for all children, everywhere!

My Mama Earth by Susan B. Katz

Watch the wonder experienced by a small boy as he journeys through the world and round the day taking in the many magnificent aspects of nature.

Giving Thanks - A Native American Good Morning Message by Chief Jake Swamp

This book tells the story of why Native American people are thankful for the autumn harvest. No friendly pilgrims, no historical whitewashing–simply the message that the earth is something that we should be grateful to and for. Discusses how we can live in peace and harmony with nature. The sun and moon, and deceased ancestors are all honored as family together, and shown the respect they so richly deserve.

Seasons of Magic by  Laurel Ann Reinhardt

Twelve-year-old Erin has always enjoyed celebrating the changing of the seasons with her family, but as she listens to her friend Rachel explain to their class what Christmas means to her, Erin realizes that she doesn't understand exactly why her family celebrates the Winter Solstice.

Erin's mother suggests that she ask Evangeline, a wise older woman who agrees to teach Erin about the magic of the seasons. Erin promises to take her studies seriously, and she soon finds that her joy of discovering the deeper levels of meaning embedded within her family's beliefs and rituals is balanced by quiet contemplation and hard work.

As Erin watches the Wheel of the Year turn, she discovers that the changing seasons also mirror changes in her relationship with her inner self and those around her.   This heartwarming tale of one girl's magical journey will delight readers of all ages.

Along the way you will discover lessons about Imbolc (February 2, a time of returning light); Spring Equinox (March 20, promises of spring); Beltaine (May 1, the sowing of seeds); Summer Solstice (June 21, the fullness of summer); Lammas (August 2, the first harvest); Fall Equinox (September 21, the full harvest); Samhain (October 31, the season of ancestors); and Yule (December 21, a celebration of the darkness of winter).

Seasons of Magic also includes a journal with questions to help you further explore the seasonal festivals and design your own celebrations.

In the following excerpt, Erin discovers the magic of Mother Nature:

"Good morning, Erin. Another good picking, I see."
"Yes, it is," Erin said, setting down two cereal bowls, each filled to the brim with berries. "I keep expecting the berries to run out, but every day there are more, almost as though they're magic bushes."

Evangeline's eyes twinkled as she replied. "They are magic, Erin. Natural earth magic, that is," she said, laughing from deep down in her belly. Erin was always amazed at that laugh that was so big yet came from a woman so small.

"What do you mean, earth magic?" Erin asked, settling down into a chair, eager for one of Evangeline's lessons. . . 

Meow Said the Mouse by Beatrice Barbey

Inspired by a grandmother's bedtime story and the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Meow Said the Mouse is a delightful and whimsical tale of a mouse that turns into a cat. Instead of being afraid, the mouse learns to appreciate her new appearance and realizes that she is a part of everything else on earth. Told as an endless loop (the end of the story becomes the beginning again), the story serves as a metaphor for change, and presents an original example of the Buddhist idea of interdependence.

Philippe Ames combines paper cutout and collage techniques with Indonesian shadow puppet esthetics. These illustrations perfectly complement the intimate, handcrafted character of the story, resulting in contemporary original art rooted in an ancient tradition.

The Winged Cat: A Tale of Ancient Egypt by Deborah Nourse Lattimore

In ancient Egypt, a young servant girl and a High Priest must each find the correct magic spells from the Book of the Dead that open the twelve gates of the Netherworld to determine who is telling the truth about the death of the girl's sacred cat.

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