Pentacle Brass Altar Bell 4"
A beautiful brass Altar bell with a Pentacle handle. One of the traditional tools of the Witch's altar, bells are used for signaling the start and end of a ritual or meditation, for energetic clearing, and for celebrations. 4" x 2 3/16"
Bells have been used for centuries in spell-crafting. Some use bells for removing unwanted or negative energies, and to call spirits. Folks would have their farm animals and pets wear bells to keep away the Evil Eye and evil spirits.
The outer portion of a bell is referred to as the female. The hammer is seen as the male. Ringing a bell signifies and celebrates an occasion or moment in time and clears and purifies the space for this time. In addition, ringing a bell can alter perception and awareness. Wiccan bells are rung to outline portions of rituals and celebrations.