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Coltsfoot Leaf

Coltsfoot Leaf - Cut Herbs

Regular price $3.85
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Coltsfoot Leaf - Cut 2oz (Tussilago farfara)

Coltsfoot is a great herb to use for Wealth, prosperity, and love. It can be burned in incense or added to sachets/pouches for love and to bring visions along with positive energy to any of your magical workings. It can also be used in incense for healing physically, mentally and spiritually. Coltsfoot can be brought into love workings to bring a lover back to you or sprinkle around the home to attract a new partner. The herb is also known as Horse Foot, Foalswort, Horsehoof, Bull's Foot, Ass's Foot and by several other names. Because the leaves and flowers contain mucilage, they are used to make infusions, washes and poultices to soothe minor skin irritations.

Origin Eastern europe
Active compounds Various flavonoids, tannins, isoquercetin, rutin, inulin, mucilage and pyrrolozidine alkaloids
Plant part used Leaves and flowers
Processing Cut & sifted
Sustainability Wild crafted

Herb Certification Glossary

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