Mandrake Root - Cut Herbs 1oz
Mandrake Root (May Apple) (Podophyllum peltatum) 1oz
Consult with a healthcare professional or reliable source for proper uses and possible warnings in regard to this product. This herb is for magical purposes only. DO NOT ingest this herb into the body. MANDRAKE ROOT IS POISONOUS. This herb can have many side effects. Use Only in sachets and pouches.
Magickal uses include protection, prosperity, fertility, and exorcising evil. Carry to attract love. Wear to preserve health. A powerful herb that is used to create a Homunculus. Mandrake also aids in exorcism, spells involving spirits and increasing Magickal potency. Mandrake is masculine, ruled by Mercury and Saturn and the element of fire. A dried mandrake root placed on the mantelpiece will protect and bring happiness and prosperity to the household. It will also prevent demons from entering. Placed on top of money, it will make the money multiply. A mandrake root can be used as a poppet for sympathetic. It can also be carved into various shapes for magical use. The berries as well as the root are used in charms to increase fertility. Carried, it is said to attract love. It is also used in aphrodisiac spells. Mandrake intensifies magick in any situation. Add a bit of mandrake root to your moon water preparation for ritual use. This is American Mandrake - Mayapple, not Mandragora.
Wild mandrake, also known as American mandrake, Indian apple and mayapple, is a member of the barberry family that inhabits the woodlands of eastern North America. It is classified as a spring emphemeral, which means that it emerges in early spring and undergoes a furious growth cycle but dies back to the ground when most other forest plants are reaching maturity in mid-summer.
Although all parts of the plant are toxic, Native Americans and early American settlers boiled the root to make topical infusions.
origin | united states |
active compounds | Tropane alkaloids |
plant part used | root |
processing | cut & sifted |
sustainability | wild crafted |