7 Day Protection Against Evil & Harm - Black
7 Day Protection Against Evil & Harm - Black
Burn a 7 Day Protection From Enemies Candle for protection against evil, danger and, jealousy. This is the perfect aid to assist you with negative people and situations. Use this to aid you in removing negative people, evil eyes, jinx, hexes, people that wish harm on you, or protect you when going into a dangerous situation. 8.125" 2.5"
*Pigmentation/coloring may vary slightly from candle to candle. Some wicks may have wax on them, this is normal in the manufacturing process.
Do not leave incense, candles and/or charcoal disks burning unattended. Always keep candles in a safe place away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Use a fire safe dish or plate to set candles on.