Zodiac Aquarius 7 Day Candle
Birthdate-(Jan.20-Feb.18) Your Most Likeable traits: Friendly, People-oriented, Outgoing SYMBOL: The Water Bearer (Dispensing a gift that flows freely equally to all: Representing creation & the giving of life) Ruling Planet: Uranus Element: Air Dominant Keyword: I KNOW. Magical Birthstone: Amethyst (Brings faithfulness in love & bestows the gift of prescience) Special Flower: Orchid & Violet Special Color: Electric Blue (The clear color of the sky) Lucky Numbers: 1 & 7 Lucky Day: Wednesday Part of the body ruled by Aquarius: The Circulatory System, Shins & Ankles 8.125" x 2.5"
Do not leave candles and/or charcoal disks burning unattended. Always keep candles in a safe place away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Use a fire safe dish or plate to set candles on.