Zodiac Leo 7 Day Candle
Birthdate-(July 23-Aug.22) Your Most Likeable trait: Generosity, Exuberance, Born Entertainer SYMBOL: The Lion (Regal, brave, dominating, sometimes insolent. Possessing nobility and pride.) Ruling Planet: The Sun Element: Fire Dominant Keyword: I WILL. Magical Birthstones: Ruby & Onyx, Peridot(Protects against physical injury & insures faithfulness. It also brings its wearer serenity of mind.) Special Flowers: Sunflower, Marigold & Gladiolus Special Colors: Gold & Orange (The magnetic colors of the Sun) Lucky Numbers: 8 & 9 Lucky Day: Sunday Part of the body ruled by Leo: Back, Spine and the Heart. 8.125" x 2.5"
Do not leave candles and/or charcoal disks burning unattended. Always keep candles in a safe place away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Use a fire safe dish or plate to set candles on.