Here are some common uses for specific incenses:
*Please consult your doctor if you're pregnant, or have any health issues.
We'll be adding and or modifying this list as time permits. If you would like to add anything, or see a error, please let us know by sending us a message.
▪ Acacia - Burned with sandalwood to stimulate the psychic powers.
▪ African Violet - Burned for protection and to promote spirituality within the home.
▪ Allspice - Burned to attract both good luck and money.
▪ Aloe - Burned to attract good fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, and strength.
▪ Althea - Burned for protection and to stimulate the psychic powers.
▪ Amber - Knowledge & Study, Meditation & use to delve back into the past. Illness.
▪ Ambergris - Dreams, aphrodisiac.
▪ Angelica - Protection, harmony, integration, insight, upstanding, stability, and meditation.
▪ Anise Seeds - Emotional balance.
▪ Apple Blossom - Happiness, love and friendship.
▪ Arruda - Traditionally burned to drive out bad spirits, feelings or influences. The leaves of this plant may be used as a natural moth repellent.
▪ Basil - For concentration, assertiveness, decisiveness, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, mental clarity, cheerfulness, confidence, courage to attract fidelity, love, good luck sympathy, and wealth.
▪ Bay - To facilitate the psychic powers, and to induce prophetic dream visions.
▪ Bayberry - Protection, prosperity, happiness, control, attract money.
▪ Benzoin, Astral projection, purification, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger, and anxiety.
▪ Bergamot - This incense has a citrusy scent that can bring forth a more calming atmosphere. It can be a good choice for those who want to alleviate depression. Bergamot incense is also used to attract prosperity and good fortune.
▪ Bistort - Burned often with frankincense as a powerful incense to aid divination.
▪ Blue Berry - To keep unwanted influences away from your home and property.
▪ Bracken - Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain.
▪ Cannabis - Cannabis sticks aren’t intoxicating and are not considered illegal drugs. They have a grassy aroma and a slightly spicy scent. Due to their relaxing effect, they can help soothe the mind so they are also great for those with anxiety.
▪ Cardamom - Mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm, and motivation.
▪ Carnation - Protection, strength, healing, love and lust, traditionally used for healing.
▪ Cedarwood - Like other woody scents, it has a calming property as well. That’s why it is also great for fighting depression, preventing nightmares, or reducing aggression. It is also mostly used in purification practices and for protection practices as well. The scent is related to strength and power also.
▪ Chamomile - As far back as the ancient Egyptians, Chamomile has already been used for its aromatherapy properties. It has a sweet, herby scent that helps with relaxation providing a more peaceful and serene atmosphere. This incense is great to use when you feel overwhelmed and simply want to ground yourself or relax.
▪ Cherry - The scent of cherries is soothing and is known to help with relaxation, the fruit contains antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation in the body, Burn a Cherry Incense stick to promote a environment that is calm and peaceful.
▪ Cinnamon - Passion, aphrodisiac, raises energy to high Frankincense - Calm & peace. Relieves stress and anxiety. Ends conflicts & arguments, re-establishing a friendship that has ended due to conflicts, brings peace & resolution to warring factions. Alleviates tense situations. Use when meditating & for ritual work.
▪ Citronella - The scent of Citronella incense repels insects away, great for repelling fly’s and mosquito's, cleansing, warding off, healing.
▪ Clove - Clove is a popular spice and can also be used as an incense scent. It has an energetic and spicy scent that helps uplift your mood to counter the negativity. It can help improve memory and focus. Plus, it can also help attract wealth and prosperity.
▪ Coconut - Has a scent that is reminiscent of a tropical island. Known to have a soothing and relaxing effect, it is also used with prayers and invocations by other people for protection and purification purposes.
▪ Coffee - This incense stick is used for divination spells, Cleanses the space of negative energy and helps people that suffer from nightmares to have a peaceful night’s sleep.
▪ Copal - For love, purification, uplifting spirits. protection, spirituality, and to attract love.
▪ Cypress - Strength, comfort, healing, eases anxiety and stress, self-assurance, confidence, physical vitality, will power, and concentration.
▪ Damiana - Burned to facilitate psychic visions.
▪ Dittasny of Crete - Astral projection and divination.
▪ Divine Blessings - Burn Divine Blessing Incense helps to clear negativity, bring blessings upon yourself and your family by burning this incense.
▪ Dragons Blood - Use in rituals involving love, protection & exorcism. Burn for consecration, protection & good luck. Courage.
▪ Elecampane - Burned to strengthen the clairvoyant powers and scrying abilities.
▪ Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus incense is great for meditation, yoga, and relaxation. It has a refreshing aroma and can also be useful as an antiseptic. It helps improve breathing and can be used to aid in respiratory ailments.
▪ Fast Luck - Burn Fast luck or any money drawing incense such as call money, call client to attract Fast Luck, when a streak of luck is needed in a hurry, attracts good luck in your business.
▪ Fern - Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain, also used to exorcise evil supernatural entities.
▪ Frangipani - Psychic work & restores peace & harmony with its soothing vibrations.
▪ Frankincense - Releases powerful positive vibrations & drives away negativity. Use for purification, spiritual growth, meditation. Anxiety & depression. Use to bless a new home, room addition or new member to a family including a baby.
▪ Frankincense & Myrrh - Powerful combination that is used for spirituality, healing, protection.
▪ Fumitory - Burned to exorcise demons, poltergeists, and evil supernatural entities.
▪ Galangal - Burned to break the curses cast by others.
▪ Gardenia - Peace, love, and healing.
▪ Ginger - Desire, wealth, lust and love, base chakra energy.
▪ Ginseng Root - Burned to keep wicked spirits at bay, and for protection against all forms evil.
▪ Go Away Evil - Helps to remove all evil spirits. Protection against the evil eye and helps to reverse any psychic attacks and harmful witchcraft that is sent against you.
▪ Gotu Kola - Burned to aid meditation.
▪ Green Tea -Money, courage & strength. It’s known as a great disinfectant so it can help remove viruses and bacteria. It is also useful for improving memory, alleviating fatigue, and increasing alertness.
▪ Heather - Burned to conjure beneficial spirits.
▪ Hibiscus - Divination, love and lust, attract love.
▪ Honeysuckle - Money, happiness, friendship, healing, good health, luck, and psychic power.
▪ Hyacinth - Happiness and protection.
▪ Jasmine - Love, inner beauty, happiness & peace, promotes friendship. Used in love and wealth rituals. An aphrodisiac.
▪ Juniper - Calming, protection, healing, increase psychic powers, and to break curses and hexes cast by others.
▪ Lavender - Spiritual Healing, tranquillity, higher consciousness, releases energy blockages, eases tension especially headaches. Promotes sleep and peacefulness.
▪ Lemon - Healing, love, and purification.
▪ Lemongrass - Enhances psychic abilities. It helps lift and brighten mood so you can use it whenever you are feeling down. It also helps improve mental clarity so you can use it while studying.
▪ Lilac - Soothing, increase psychic powers, and to attract harmony into one’s life.
▪ Lotus - Mental clarity, increased focus, heightened intelligence. Ideal for meditation.
▪ Love - the Incense will aid in attracting your lover closer to you, and promotes true love.
▪ Mace - To stimulate or increase psychic powers.
▪ Mastic - Burned to conjure beneficial spirits, stimulate psychic powers, and intensify sexual desires. The magickal powers of other incenses are greatly increased when a bit of mastic is added.
▪ Mesquite - The magickal powers of all healing incenses are greatly increased when mesquite is added.
▪ Mint - To increase sexual desire, and to attract money.
▪ Money Drawing - This incense draws money to you quickly, improve your finances, bring customers to your business, increase your luck at job interviews, and improve your luck at games of chance- other money drawing incense include to name but a few Call Client Incense, Money, Gold Silver, Gold Rain and Attract Money Incense.
▪ Musk - Restores balance, re-aligns one’s energies, protects, removes negativity, stimulates self confidence, enhances determination.
▪ Myrrh - Heavenly attributes used to elevate one’s spiritual consciousness. Purifies & amplifies intentions. Was used in the temple of Isis. Meditation & contemplation. Banishes negativity, protects & releases. Use while reading tarot cards or scrying to enhance your natural intuition.
▪ Nag Champa - Nag Champa is a sacred incense used to purify or sanctify an area. Use for all things spiritual eg meditation, seeking spiritual enlightenment, preparing a room for spiritual group work.
▪ Neroli - Beauty, luck, fidelity & attracts romance & love. Increases sexual magnetism. Peace
▪ Nutmeg - Burned to aid meditation, attract prosperity.
▪ Oakmoss - To attract money.
▪ Opium - Dreams, sleep, use when you want to have prophetic dreams.
▪ Orange - Divination, love, luck, and money.
▪ Palo Santo - Cleanses and protects.
▪ Passionflower - For peace of mind, the sweet scent will sooth troubles and aid in sleep.
▪ Patchouli - Happiness & joy bringer. Use in love, money & prosperity rituals. Use as a fertility talisman. Courage. Luck.
▪ Pine - Grounding, strength, cleansing, healing, and attract money.
▪ Poppy Seeds - Burned to promote female fertility, attract love, good luck, and money.
▪ Rose - Love & desire, use when wanting to attract or keep love around you. Use in love, luck, grief & healing rituals. Peace.
▪ Rose Geranium - Courage and protection.
▪ Rosemary - Emits powerful cleansing & purifying vibrations. One of the oldest incenses. Use in love, healing and mental rituals. Stimulates memory & clarity.
▪ Rue - Burned to restore health.
▪ Sage - Protection against all forms evil, used to purify sacred spaces and ritual tools, used for promoting wisdom, clarity, aid in healing the body, mind, and soul.
▪ Sagebrush - Burned to aid healing, and to banish negative energies.
▪ Saint Michael - Burn for protection against evil, harm, and enemies.
▪ Sandalwood - Purifies, sanctifies any area & creates a sacred space when used. Spiritual awareness, meditation, psychic development.
▪ Solomons Seal - Burned mainly as an offertory incense to ancient deities.
▪ Strawberry - Has a sweet, fruity scent that will invoke the whiff of freshly picked fruit. It is thought to bring delight and joy to all who burn it. Success. Burn
▪ Success - To find victory and accomplishment in all things such as work, school, love, family and friends.
▪ Sweetgrass - Burned to conjure beneficial spirits prior to spell casting.
▪ Sweet Pea - Friendship, love, and courage.
▪ Tangerine - A solar aroma used to attract prosperity.
▪ Thyme - Burned for the purification of magickal spaces prior to rituals, aid in healing, and attract good health.
▪ Tree of Life - Use for Strength, Growth, Devotion, Meditation, and Sacred Space
▪ Vanilla - Mental thought, intelligence, mental ability. Use when studying.
▪ Vervain - Burned to exorcise evil entities.
▪ Vetivert - Burn to break curses, protects from sorcery & anyone who wishes you ill.
▪ Violet - Wisdom, luck, love, protection, and healing.
▪ Westeria - Burned for protection against all form evil.
▪ White Sage - Use to purify & protect objects, places & people. Use when reading cards or oracles to enhance intuition.
▪ Willow - Burned to avert evil, attract love, and promote healing. It’s also used by many Witches as an offertory incense for lunar deities.
▪ Wormwood - Burned to stimulate or increase psychic powers.
▪ Yarrow - Used for courage.
▪ Ylang Ylang - Soothes anger that comes from frustration. Also used to treat depression & other stress related disorders.
I am very blessed to have found your company. Thank you for great products! Please include books and oils in the near future🙏🏾💜🙂👍🏾!